You can now pay your rent in cash at participating retailers, including 7-Eleven, CVS, Walmart, Walgreens, Family Dollar, Kroger, Casey’s General Store, and ACE Cash Express using PayNearMe.

With over 60,000 retail locations nationwide, paying rent has never been easier!

Contact your property manager or log into RentCafe to get your mobile barcode or printed payslip and make your payment today!

Click the link to find participating retailers near you.



  1. Contact your Property Manager or Log into RentCafe to get a mobile barcode or your printed payslip.
  2. Show your barcode to any participating CVS Pharmacy,

7-Eleven, Walmart, Ace Cash Express, or Casey’s General Store locations to make a cash payment.

  1. Keep your receipt. RentCafe is notified of your payment the next business day.

Got questions? Contact your property manager.