Herb Partlow


Herb Partlow has worked for several prominent corporations during his time in San Francisco, including Big 8 (now Big 4) accounting firms KPMG, Arthur Andersen, and Deloitte. He is the Public Relations Director for BDG-CPAs and manages the firm’s on-line presence.

Herb also worked for BankAmerica Corporation, The Federal Reserve Bank, and LECG. He worked in the Office of the Chairman at Bank of America’s corporate headquarters, was a webmaster and project manager with the Federal Reserve System, and served as website manager for a global expert services consulting firm. (LECG) Herb relocated to his hometown of Charleston, South Carolina in 2013.

Since his return to Charleston, Herb launched H. F. Partlow Web Development LLC and has also become very active in the local community. He is on the Board of Directors of the YMCA of Greater Charleston, Roper St. Francis Foundation, Chairman of the City of Charleston Housing Authority Board of Commissioners, President of the Charleston Referral Exchange, and President of the Washington Park Home Owners Association.

After graduating from St. Andrews High School as an All-Area basketball player, Herb received a full athletic scholarship to attend the University of California, Riverside, and earned a BA degree in Business Economics.

He is also a successful music producer, composer, artist, audio mix and mastering engineer. His music receives radio airplay across the globe.