The Charleston housing authority celebrated its 86th anniversary on may 5 with a boxed barbecue lunch from Rodney Scott barbecue, and recognition of two retired commissioners for over 20 years of public service.

Courtenay Neff Brack, former board chair, and Mr. Todd c. Brown, former finance committee chair, were presented with framed resolutions memorializing their 20 years of faithful leadership to the authority by current chair, Mr. Edward Kronsberg.

The 100 employees of the housing authority were a sea of blue as all wore the 85th anniversary t-shirts, as last year’s celebration was cancelled due to covid-19 restrictions.

In closing the program, Donald J. Cameron, president & CEO, presented all attendees with a beige baseball cap with 85+ on the front.  The + (plus) was to remind each employees to aspire to do more, to not just meet standards but to excel daily in every task they undertake.

For more information, contact:
Donald J. Cameron
President & CEO